
Sigil Arcanum Tarot: A Symbolic Journey

Created by Sigil Arcanum LLC - Taylor Bell

A completely new way to explore the magical and philosophical symbolism at the heart of this classic divination technique.

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The Journey So Far (Day 11)
about 5 years ago – Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 09:58:34 PM

Good evening everyone, today I wanted to share the Death card, since it's one of my favorite cards. Some people think that Death is a scary card, or that it spells ill omens. I don't think so. Death is about the opportunity for rebirth, it's about learning to clear out the old to make room for the new.  Death is the Nigredo of alchemy personified: breaking down what exists, destroying it even, to make room for what is to come next. Death can be painful, but it is necessary in order for life to thrive.

The Journey So Far (Day 9)
about 5 years ago – Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 05:40:00 PM

Greetings once again! We are basically HALF WAY to our goal of $25,000! This is incredible news! I know we couldn't have done it without the help of every single one of you, and I know that we will keep pushing forward through these next 20 days, and we will be victorious!

That's all I wanted to say today, celebrating the halfway mark like Zeno might have done, ready to go the rest of the way, but unlike Zeno, confident that we can actually get there.

Today I wanted to talk about one of my favorite majors, the Wheel of Fortune, the tenth major.

The Wheel is represented by its house Jupiter, one of the Benefic planets. Jupiter is all about expansion, grace, and nobility, but the Wheel of Fortune carries with it the weight of chance and fate. On the card we see a wheel with eight spokes like the wheel of a sailing ship, or the compass of a map. The goal is navigation, though the chaotic emanations from the wheel show us that the way forward is not straight, and may need to be navigated like a labyrinth. Surrounding the wheel are the four elements in counter-clockwise order, to symbolize that the Wheel does not discriminate, chance and fate are dolled out to any and all, regardless of where you come from or what you're good at.

Thanks again for your tremendous support, and remember to share this project with Tarot nerds everywhere so that we can get the other half of the way there! Thanks again,


The Journey So Far (Day 8)
about 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 12:03:12 PM

Greetings mortals and immortals alike! We have reached a mark that I always knew we could hit, $10,000, but we've done it much quicker than I expected! Thank you all so much for helping me get to this point. The momentum that this project has picked up is daily blowing my mind, and I am so eager to begin production that I'm scheduling meetings left and right with my manufacturing team to discuss a time frame and the logistics for all the pieces. I'm looking into a few options for shipping, but I've planned to ship all the boxes myself, every day, until they're all sent out. I expect that this will only take a week or two after production wraps up and I have all the boxes in my house.

That being said, we aren't quite there yet! But as you can see, sharing really is caring, and sharing this project on social media or in real life with friends of yours who dig Tarot is really the best thing we can do. I've been going around town dropping off promotional materials and showing off the deck, and some friends have been helping me spread the word locally. Thank you all for your help, I know I feel like a broken record at this point, but together I know we can do this.

Today I wanted to talk a little about Adjustment / Justice, the 8th or 11th card in the Tarot, depending on who you ask. I decided to name it the 8th because I'm sticking closely with the Crowley / Harris Thoth deck. There are a few different symbols on the card which come together to present the image of Scales of Justice. The core symbol at the heart of the card is a symbol that Robert Place refers to as Disposition in his massive tome "The Tarot, Magic, Alchemy, Hermeticism, and Neoplatonism". He describes this step in the alchemical process as follows: "Her alchemical process is disposition, in which the correct proportion of elements is determined by weight before they are sealed in the retort. Like presenting facts in a trial, this process must be performed without prejudice."

In other words, Justice is blind, but all knowing as indicated by the vertical eye above the scales. She does not choose based on what she thinks personally, she weighs the choices and decides based on what is true. This card is all about Karma and resolution; what goes around comes around, for better or worse. Above Disposition is the crown of Libra, which also happens to be the house of this card. Libra is that same energy of balance, so this should be quite straight forward. Balanced on the scales proper are Air and Fire, two elements which are fast and temporary, which evoke the mind and the spirit.

Thanks again for following me on this journey, and please remember that sharing is the best way to get new eyes on the project and help us all to reach that goal!

The Journey So Far (Day 7)
about 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 12:18:48 AM

We're now on the 7th day of this project, a whole week in! I could not have gotten here without your help, and today we turned out some amazing numbers, not just with how high they are but with how interesting the sums are: A total of $8,777 with $5,222 from one source and $3,555 from another. My jaw almost hit the floor. I don't know much about numerology, but I enjoy repetition.

Please share this project with someone you know who may be interested in tarot, because with our combined efforts together this project can succeed!

Onto the card of the day! Today I decided to talk about the Hanged Man, which is often misinterpreted or misunderstood in my opinion. It is the 12th Major of the Tarot and its house is the Element of Water. Only two other cards bear Elemental houses, the other two being The Fool (Air) and the Aeon / Judgement (Fire). Water is emotion, communication, feeling, flow, and flux. It is the blood pumping through your heart.

The Hanged Man is the martyr, the sacrifice, who has died to save you. In this card's design there are a number of crosses, to represent the martyr themselves, the crucifix they are hung upon, and the knots which bind them.

I want to do a few spreads in the next few days to demonstrate some of the different ways the cards can be read or interpreted. More to come! Remember to share with people! Thank you!

Poster Art!
about 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 07:09:54 PM

Hello! This post is regarding the $10 tier for the limited edition print of special cards in a unique 6" x 9" format. I wanted to share what some of the images will look like, I will have test prints in the near future, but for now I've made the designs black on white.

The first one is Art / Temperance, and as you can see, the pattern behind the main sigil has been extended to fill the larger frame. As is the case for the rest of these four images.

This next one is the Emperor, Sulfur and the Sun.

Next is the Hierophant, two crosses interposed (right side up and upside down) to create a box which holds the secrets to life.

And Lust or Strength, the winding path into the horizon, and the emanating inspiration and vigor.

Please remember that sharing this project with others is the best way to help it succeed! And thank you for all your help thus far!